Tuesday, 11 February 2020


Harmattan season which usually occurs in Nigeria form November till mid March is a season that is associated with various hazardous challenges due to the cold dry and hot wind and dense visibility.

In today's news analysis Omonigho Edaah of our reportorial unit write on the harmattan season and how best to effectively make the most of the season.

Harmattan is a season in the West African Subcontinent which occurs between the month of November till middle of March the following year.

Harmattan season is characterized by the dry and dusty Northeasten trade wind which blows from the Sahara desert over West Africa into the Gulf of Guinea.

The temperature is usually cold in most places but can also be hot in certain places depending on local circumstances.

The season is usually associated with large amount of dust that makes visibility difficult on the road, air or water thus making traveling hazardous by air, water and road transportations.

This dry season makes homes, offices and other places dusty.

Some farmers in agarian communities in getting ready for the planting season engaged in burning the land.

Some persons also engaged in the habit of burning refuses close to objects like transformers, under electric poles or things that can easily ignite uncontrollable spread of fire.

Most persons during this period suffered from cracking feets, lips, skin and asthmatic and sickle cell patients suffered the most.

Since harmattan season is like any other seasons of the year, it's therefore advice that people should take precautionary measures in making the most of the harmattan season.

People with crack skins, lips and feets should endeavor to rub moisturizing cream on their skins properly, apply lips gloss, use inhaler when necessary and put on thick clothes that cover the body.

Farmers who engaged in bush burning in getting their farmland ready for planting should know that such act does not only weaken the nutrients of the soil but can also lead to uncontrollable spread of the fire to other farmland where there is crop.

The best way is for the farmers to make use of tractors to clear their farmlands or engaged human services in cutting the grass with cutlasses.

For those who engaged in burning refuses close to objects that can easily ignite fire should please refrain from such habit of getting rid of their refuses but rather adopt a more effective ways of disposing their refuses that will not cause fire outbreak.

During this dusty period people should improve on their personal hygiene by cleaning and dusting their homes, offices, surrounding, ensures they wash fruits properly before eating and rinse dishes before serving food on to eat.

Weather forecasters says that temperature during this season drops to dew point of saturated air which condensed to reduce visibility drastically to as low as 400 meters.

Drivers should learn to drive carefully on the road, captains of ships should apply caution as they navigate the water channels while cancellation or diversion of flights should be done when necessary.

Furthermore, fire safety experts, disaster emergency management agencies and all relevant stakeholders should regularly embark on public sensitization either via radio, television or places of worship, markets, social gathering to educate the people on how to effectively make the most of the harmattan season.

Every season no doubt comes with its challenges but adapting oneself to the various seasons of the year makes the difference in making the most of such season.

A word is enough for the wise.

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