Monday, 18 February 2019


A  situation  where parents  or couples  give  birth  to children  beyond the numbers  they can cater for,  has been seen as not only leading to  increase  in population, but economic  hardship and sometimes  death of either pregnant  mother or baby during delivery.

In today's  news analysis  correspondent underscores the important of family  planning  which is also known  as "child spacing", in addressing  issues  of over population, economic  hardship, and death of pregnant  mother and baby during delivery

The term family  planning  can still be referred  to as child spacing, which simply means leaving  the woman to rest for a while before  conceiving again and bearing  the next child.

In most climes of the world husband  and wife or  man  and women  often sat down to plan the number  of children they  want.

Some of these countries  government usually specify the number  of children  from  a family  that can enjoy govt social  welfare  packages, that is to say if a family  exceed the number, such family  takes care of the exceeded number.

In the Africa society  in those days, our forefathers used to give birth  to a very large numbers of children  as possible  as they can.

It  was a known  fact then, that our forefathers  used to have a very large vast of farmlands, where these large number of  children  are allocated  to their various  portions  to till from  farm thereby leading  to increase  of production in farm produce to  be sold for money  and also in turn address  the issue of hunger in the family.

But the reverse  is the  case in today's  African society,  where man and woman  or husband and  wife give  birth  to many children, without having  large land to be used for farming.

Many of these parents  or couples are jobless,  while some of them are  doing menial jobs or petty trades, businesses at best civil  servants.

Statistics have shown  that family that give birth to a sizable number of the children of at most four, do have less difficulties in taking care of them, than a family that has a large number.

Ignorance has been identified as one of the few reasons why most African parents or couples do not observe family planning.

This is  why the government through the ministry of health must champion the cause in creating awareness on the importance of family planning.

Furthermore, the ministry of education should make it compulsory for family planning to be taught in schools, so that the children who are our future leaders of tommorow.

Faith base institutions also have a role to play by preaching the benefit of giving birth to the number of children they can cater for.

There are different contraceptive a medical expert can recommed fit for one to use, which will help in child spacing or prevent pregnancy.

No doubt family planning is the way to go in reducing mortality rate, economic hardship amongst others.

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