Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Democracy Day

Today May 29,is observed as Democracy Day in Nigeria.
It is a day set aside to commemorate the restoration of Democratic rule in Nigeria from Military rule.
In today's news analysis correspondent chronicles the journey of democracy in Nigeria vis-a-vis the way forward in advancing democracy in Nigeria.
A one time President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, once defined Democracy as a Government of the people by the people and for the people.
Some other school of thought, also added that Democracy is about good Governance with strict adherence to the rule of law and the constitution as well as better welfare package for the people, that is secure through due process of the land, in which the people are the prime consideration of policies.
The struggle for Democracy in Nigeria has been a long one, dating back into the Colonial era where Students, workers, market men and women, some traditional rulers,as well as leading political figures, including the media, were involved in the process, which later contributed to the attainment of Independence on October 1 1960 and a republic in 1963.
Nigeria as an heterogeneous nation with diverse ethnic groups, and different religions gained her Independence from her colonial master, there by putting an end to colonialism,imperialism,therefore paving way for democratic rule in the country.
After the attainment of Independence Nigeria was greeted with corruption by some politicians and civil servants, election manipulation of all kinds, tribalism, nepotism among others brought about instability and pave way for the first coup in 1966 which was followed by another coup in that same year and led to three years civil war in the country.
Democracy was briefly restorted in 1979 - 1983,but some certain factors such as electoral manipulation, corrupt politicians among others brought about the Military rule and was followed by series of Military Juntas.
The dreaded of all the Military rule was that of General Sani Abacha and was ended by his sudden death in 1998 and his successor General Abdulsalam Abubakar promised a transition to Democracy and accordly a new constitution was adopted in May 5 1999, elections were held and retired General Olusegun Obasanjo who has previously govern Nigeria as a Military ruler was elected president.
No doubt the end of Military rule in 1999 has brought about an era of regular elections, as well as the return of civil liberties, free press and an end to arbitrary arrest and torture, but that is not to say that Human Rights are not violated occasionally.
With the smooth transition of one government to the other in Nigeria, one can say that Democracy is growing but there are more to be done.
Nigeria Politicians should learn to practice politics of ideology and not  politics of self interest, that sometimes over heat the politic of the country.
Political parties,politicians and their supporters should emulate the virtues of Democracy which was copied from the western world by refraining from election violence, election manipulation, killing of opposition members, damaging of electoral materials and sometimes destruction of property worth millions of naira.
Politicians should also learn to concede defeat and stop litigation that most times slow governance but rather they should join hands with the winning party to bring developed to the land.
Every Nigerian irrespective of political affiliation or not, must allow Democracy to grow by avoiding act and things that will undermine Democracy in Nigeria.
The electoral umpire which is INEC, should be made to be more independent and INEC also should advance on the electronic voting system, as well as ensure that votes of electorates counts.
Political office holders elected to serve by bringing the dividence of Democracy to the people, should give qualitative representation and not engage in embezzlement of the nation's treasury. Furthermore,Democracy Day should not only be seen as a day of celebration but rather a day for a clarion call to all Nigerians to reflect on the gains of Democracy and so work towards achieving true Democracy in Nigeria, that will serve as model for other African countries to emulate.
Nigeria being referred to as the giant of Africa should demonstrate it by ensuring that Democracy strive and you and I have a duty to play.

Sunday, 27 May 2018

Children's Day

May 27 every year is celebrated as children's day in Nigeria.
It is a day set aside by the Nigerian government to celebrate the Nigerian child, as well as to draw attention of the society towards the plight of children in the Nigerian society.
In today's news analysis, correspondent chronicles the journey of children's day celebration vis a vis the significance of the celebration to the Nigerian child.
Children's Day is a day recognized to celebrate children and also the day is celebrated on different calendar dates in different countries.
History has it that the pastor of the Universalist church of the Redeemer in Chelsea, Massachusetts, Rev Dr Charles Leonard celebrated the first children's day on the second Sunday of June 1855.
Dr Leonard held a special service on that day for the children and he named the day ROSE Day, although it was later named Flower Sunday and then children's day.
But the declaration of the day as a national holiday was first proclaimed by the Republic of Turkey on April 23 1929.
Irrespective of the different dates and accounts of children's day, it is pertinent to note that in August 1925, some 54 representatives from different countries gathered together in Geneva, Switzerland to convene the first world conference for the well-being of children, during which the Geneva Declaration Protecting Children was passed.
The proclamation made a strong appeal for the spiritual needs of children, relief for poor children, prevention of child's labour, reassessing the way that children are educated and other issues related to the welfare of children around the world.
After the conference, various government from around the world designated a day to be celebrated as children's day, as a way to encourage and bring joy to children as well as to draw the attention of the society to children issues.
However, Universal children's day is on November 20 ,as first proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1954 with the aim to encourage all countries to institute a date, firstly to promote mutual exchange and understanding among children and secondly to initiate action to benefit and promote the welfare of children around the world.
The Nigerian government on its part, set out May 27 every year for Children's Day.
On this day, public and private schools goes to open fields or stadium to participate in match pass and other activities, with officials from the ministry of education on ground to witness the occasion.
Some parents and guardians, takes their kids and wards to recreational centers, amusement parks and eatries to celebrate them.
Wives of political office holders, well to do individuals in the society and some religious bodies organizes parties for children, especially for orphans or the less privileged in the society.
As Nigeria kids from across the federation celebrate today as children's day, government at all levels, parents, guardians, non governmental organizations NGOs that are saddled with the welfare of children amongst other stakeholders, must pay attention to addressing issues that will enhance the overall growth of the Nigerian child who are leaders of tomorrow.
These stakeholders should ensure that child labor, child trafficking, child abuse, illitracy in children amongst others are all address.
Parents and guardians on their parts, should learn how to raise their kids and wards in the fear of God, respect for mankind and also inculcate morals,cultural values and norm.
Places of learning and any centers for impacting knowledge, be it religious or otherwise should at all times always equip the children with requisite information, teaches and skills, they need to become useful to themselves and the society at large.
As it is often believe that there is a seed of greatness in every child but one should know that the seed can only grow when the child is given the right platform to operate and grow.
And the power to make that happen lies between you and I.

Saturday, 19 May 2018


A society  characterized by all types of social vices has been attributed to broken homes.
In today's news analysis correspondent examines the role of family in shaping the social Landscape of Nigeria.
The family consists of parents and children and classified into nuclear and extended families.
The family is the smallest unit of the society and it is the first agent of human socialization.This is why it is often said that the family is a reflection of the larger society.
The Father is the head of the Family assisted by the mother, who is his help meet in raising the children, instilling moral, ethical and cultural values in the children amongst other duties.
However, it is worrisome to note, that heads of families today are not living up to public expectations, especially in the upbringing of their Children.
Such " I don't Care" parents often leave their children to themselves without parental guide.No wonder Nigerian  Youths are today an endangered species, involved in sorts of crimes and anti-social activities. Parents in contemporary Nigeria Society, appear to be so busy with their kids who are always  in the care of house-help.
This "I don't care" attitude, no doubt, has negative impacts on the children, who sometimes go into themselves,exhibit deviant Characters,or make friends with persons of questionable Characters and negative influence.
Investigations have shown that such Children turn out to be armed robbers,sex workers, fraudsters and school drop-outs, amongst other.
The way forward is for parents, no matter how busy they are, to create time from their busy schedules, and be with their Children to provide leadership.
Parents, whether poor or rich, should strive to provide for their families instead of sitting idle and looking up to their Children for the family up keep.
Non-govermental or Civil Society organizations,saddled with the responsibility of protecting the Welfare of Children, should be proactive by visiting schools to give messages of hope to Children,who suffer from lack of parental care.School teachers and apprenticeship and trainers in workshops should help in identifying Children of this category, with a view to encourage them to look beyond their immediate circumstances.
Furthermore,adults resident in the neighborhood should help to cautiously correct any Child that is going astray as it was in traditional societies.
That way,Nigeria will be a society  devoid of social vices, immorality and crimes, a nation where high ethical and moral values are paramount and a society where everyone's brother's keeper.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

May Day

May 1 every year is observed as the International Workers Day or May Day in most countries of the world.
In today's news analysis correspondent underscores the significance of May Day to Nigerians workers and the Nigerian economy.
International workers day is a day set aside to commemorate the 1886 Hay market affairs in Chicago,USA,where some workers engaged in a strike action to press home their demands.
This incident started the process for the international Labor Day. The first workers day in Nigeria was celebrated in Kano in 1980 as the then Governor Alhaji Abubarkar Rimi declared the day a public
In 1981,however, the Federal government declared May 1 as workers day.
Nigerian workers converged on different open fields colorfully dressed in attires depicting their affiliate unions engage in match pass holding their union banners.
Governmental officials, civil society Activists and Human Rights crusaders also joined the Nigerian Labour union to observe the day. The day afford Nigerian workers the opportunity to reflect on the struggle for better working conditions and other  benefits.
On this memorable day Government Officials or their representives,the Nigerian Labour  congress NLC and the Trade Union Congress TUC and the United Labour council of Nigeria as well as Human Rights Activists deliver speech that dwell on workers welfare and well-being.
But how have the Nigerian Workers felt so far?
The Nigerian workers of today are still faced with unconducive working environment,inadequate working materials, poor remuneration,the inability of some States to pay salaries.
Many believes that the Nigerian workers are better off compared with their counterparts in other Climes.
Government and other Labour employers should endeavour to create a conducive working environment where employee can effectively discharge their duties.
Furthermore, the minimum wage of Civil Servants should be reviewed to meet current Economy realities  while workers salaries should be paid as at when due.
Employee, especially Government Workers who use precious working periods to engage in unproductive activities, those who are habitual late or truants should refrain forthwith.
Union Leaders who fight for the welfare and well-being of workers  should be more diplomatic in pressing home their demands and avoid confrontation.
As workers usually say"Solidarity is forever and the struggle continues until workers are better off "